Intertwined by Fate – The Story of Us

Following my diabetic odyssey in March 2008, I had an opening of consciousness that launched me into a period of change; I went through a shift, if you will. One of the end results of that shift was my relationship with my now-wife, Isabelle. Had it not been for the life altering experience that I went through, I may or may not be married to the love of my life, to my soul mate. I honestly believe that Isabelle and I are soul mates, destined to find one another. And the Universe did all it could, repeatedly, to make sure it happened.

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Job vs Career

At what point does a job shift to become a career?

A little over 10 years ago, I joined my current employer’s ranks.  I was in my late-twenties, and had just escaped from a 5-year stint working at Chapters.  Escaped may be a harsh term, but I’ve never hidden the fact that I was not happy for the last 2-3 years of my time there.  I had been part of the store’s management team, working under a string of seemingly increasingly inept General Managers (I think we went through 6 GM’s in the span of my 5 years there, including a good 6-months with no GM at all).  We started off as a leadership team of 7-8 people and then got down to 3 for an extended period of time.  Needless to say, I was burned out when I left.

Until this point, I had gone from job to job since the age of 16.  Some lasted a summer, some lasted a couple of years, but the simple fact remained that they were just jobs; a means to an end.  I worked the job, they paid me.  Upon leaving Chapters, I then took a job at my current employer – a health insurance company.  I was a seasonal hire in their contact centre and eventually ended up being hired full-time.  I didn’t like the job in the call centre, but it was a job.  There it is again… job.

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My Second Life Day: The Prelude

This coming Saturday marks a milestone in my life.  I will celebrate the 10th anniversary of my Second Life Day.  While I’ve written about the events of this day in the past, this is the first time that I’ve ever attempted to document the entirety of the story. Over the next few days, I will be chronicling the saga that I went through.  What you will read was written over the course of a few days in the summer of 2017.  Some of you have heard the story, others lived through it with me.  But I don’t know that anyone has actually gotten the entire story – until now. 

I hope you will join me on this journey. 

On March 3rd, 2008, I was given a second chance at life.  Looking back now, 10 years later, I can see the miracle that occurred on that day.  But the journey to that realization took some time.  In order to truly understand the life-altering shift that occurred on my Second Life Day, you first need to understand the reality of my life.  Or at least reality as I perceived it. Continue reading “My Second Life Day: The Prelude”