2018: A Trinity of Celebrations

2018 marks a big year for me on multiple fronts.  The first and most obvious is that I will be celebrating my 40th birthday on August 22.  I share this birthday with Mr. James Corden (we are birthday twins – both born August 22, 1978).  I’m hoping for an epic birthday extravaganza, but I’ll save that for another blog post.

James Corden (Variety.com)

A bit earlier in the year, I will be celebrating 10 years with the love of my life, Isabelle. (you can follow her at KarmicSweets.com)  We started (officially) dating in July of 2008.  She is my soul mate, and there is no doubting that once you know our story.  I’ll write a bit about our weird, synchronistic path in another blog post later this summer.  Stay tuned!

With Isabelle at The Pioneer Woman’s lodge

But in March I will be celebrating the biggest of my three anniversaries this year.  It is one that has triggered many profound changes in my life, not the least of which being my 10-year relationship with Isabelle.  On March 3rd I will celebrate the 10th anniversary of my Second Life Day.  I’ve written a bit about this anniversary in previous years (see here), but I will be preparing a long, detailed accounting of the story in a blog post (or maybe a series of posts…) in March.

So there you have it.  This is my road map for the next few months.  Sure, I’ll likely have other random blog posts in between these, but these are the big moments.  I hope you’ll follow along and relive the adventure of my life with me.  And while you’re at it, take the time to look at your own and find moments to celebrate.  Don’t just wait for the big birthdays, anniversaries and events… celebrate all of the little things in life. This is what makes life worth living.  Enjoy the ride while you can, because our time here is precious and short.  Make the most out of it.

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